Tuesday, April 6, 2010



Ok so yea.. I'm back to update~
Today was boring~
Chinese liao than jiu Maths, my whole mind totally went blank when I saw the co-ordinate geometry worksheet omfg!! I've got a test for that chapter this thursday and friday and I forgotten how to do it.. die liao.. Today's chem test is difficult like $#$%#@%^%$#, keith stupid lor, do mcq forget fill the blanks or the 3rd page, 10marks like that fly away le LOL after chem, pon-ed bio went for investiture at the hall, I had to sit down at the hall like statue for like 50mins =.= my back is aching while sitting there, I sit in first row somemore tmd =.= after the investiture rushed to bio lab for meeting for the cambodia service learning trip O.o Chew Kahkeng will be my roommate :DD
Still long la my trip.. I still got MYE to get past 1st hehe I got 1 full day during the exam period don't need come school :DDDDDD shiok right? After meeting went to quadrangle to play soccer with daryl kai sheng they all. I scored 2 goals yay :D, after playing soccer went to Ivan's house to do project. The keith damn funny, here is part of the convo.
Keith: Walao this water cushion or whatever it's called make my pants feel wet sia.
Me: You sure anot?
Keith: Yea la what the hell.
Than after that he took away that thing than I found out that there was a hole in that water bag.
I was laughing like mad during that moment LOL after finish le go home (:
That's all for today's post (:

Bye people~ (: